Critical infrastructure for industires such as Oil & Gas, Power Generation, Manufacturing units/factories, steel plants, telecommuncations etc. need to be prepared for all risks including theft, natural disasters, terrorist attacks, and more, which could topple key infrastructures.

For the facility security management and indeed the top brass of the company, it is imperative that state-of-the-art solutions be empoloyed to mitigate any potential risks that would otherwise be detrimental to the buisiness.

SLS Constructions provides latest state-of-the-art solutions to ensure that the business operations are uninteruppted and secure;   

Solutions Overview :

  • Various technologies such as 4K cameras and display units for precise surviellance requirements.  
  • Thermal cameras to secure your facilities by detecting potential COVID-19 victims.  
  • End-to-end solutions including surveillance, access control, off-grid power supplies, etc.  
  • Thermal inspection to prevent and locate equipment failures.